Members of the Board:

Dave Buchholz, Chairman
Bill Eichenberg
Tom Forbes
Tom Osborne
Jack Sadlon
Mark McCausland
Dave Humpal
Yvonne Buchholz
Savannah Moody
Jay McFadden, Council Liaison
Aimee Stone, Secretary

The duties of the board are: (1)   Plan a comprehensive recreation program for the citizens of the Municipality; (2)   Recommend to the Planning Commission the purchase of additional land for recreational purposes; (3)   Recommend to Council the equipping and maintenance of public parks, playgrounds, playfields, gymnasiums, swimming pools, splash parks and recreation centers as funds for such purposes are appropriated by Council; (4)   Exercise such other powers and duties as Council may, by ordinance, provide for; (5)   Recommend to the Mayor, for the appointment or employment of any personnel it deems necessary.  The board meets the first Monday of every month at 7:00 p.m., except December.  All meetings are held in the Jenkins Place at the City Administration Building, 26100 Bagley Road.

All gifts donated to the Municipality for park and/or recreation purposes shall be used for such purposes.